हे प्रकल्प आणि उपक्रम द ग्रासलँड्स ट्रस्टने केवळ प्राणी आणि त्यांच्या निवासस्थानांचेच नव्हे तर त्यांच्या उपजी विकेसाठी गवताळ प्रदेशांवर अवलंबून असलेल्या अद्वितीय मानवी समुदायांचे संरक्षण आणि संवर्धन करण्याच्या प्रयत्नात केले आहेत.
Meso Carnivore Collaring
Field work and filming done for collaring of meso carnivores conducted by ATREE
Scrublands' wildlife feed off a significant poultry waste. Sometimes, this waste can pose as detrimental. This project helps identify prospective harm.
To gather information on their movement patterns and understand the species better as part of our conservation efforts, Wolf Collaring is very constructive.
To identify Indian wolves by their signature howls, our Wolf Howling Survey was a unique research initiative that helped us take effective conservation steps.
Teaming up with RESQ and funds from supporters, we provided food to the community and wildlife of grasslands during the national lockdown imposed due to corona.
Monitoring and protection go hand-in-hand with wildlife conservation. Camera Trapping of den sites helps us collect essential data and plan with the government.
The project involved gathering data related to wildlife interactions at carcass sites, documenting diversity of wildlife, understanding opinions of citizens about wildlife and shedding light on coexisting with wildlife.